All-Cause-Mortality (ACM) has continued to run in excess amounts of 10 to 20% in most Western nations all throughout 2022, just as it did throughout all of 2021. Do you trust the official ‘vx saved 20 million lives’ based on ‘would have been worse’ models (made by the same people whose models were found to be 10-100 times off for the past 2.5 years)? Or would common sense say that ACM should get better if the measures taken (lockdowns, masks, jabs) were working? My interpretations may be off here, but how can every metric across multiple countries show everything is worse now than ever, and yet people still trust the narrative? I predict this will have an outcome I felt would happen back in 2020 – that this will simply lead to removal of statistics, data, and any info that goes against the MSM storyline. It is almost like they are taunting us by having us confirm their own data for them.
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All-Cause-Mortality (ACM) as of November 2022
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All-Cause-Mortality (ACM) has continued to run in excess amounts of 10 to 20% in most Western nations all throughout 2022, just as it did throughout all of 2021. Do you trust the official ‘vx saved 20 million lives’ based on ‘would have been worse’ models (made by the same people whose models were found to be 10-100 times off for the past 2.5 years)? Or would common sense say that ACM should get better if the measures taken (lockdowns, masks, jabs) were working? My interpretations may be off here, but how can every metric across multiple countries show everything is worse now than ever, and yet people still trust the narrative? I predict this will have an outcome I felt would happen back in 2020 – that this will simply lead to removal of statistics, data, and any info that goes against the MSM storyline. It is almost like they are taunting us by having us confirm their own data for them.