Let’s hope WE THE PEOPLE can effectively organize against humanities aggressors (BigTech, BigMedia, BigGov, BigEDU, BigPharma, BigBiz).

1. Vote RED, it’s a reprieve, not a solution.

2. Cancel WOKE business subscriptions.

3. Support EFFECTIVE people and ORGs.

4. Get EDUCATED against the Propaganda.

5. Stop FUNDING our enemies.

6. Renew your Mind, Body, and Spirit.

7. Just Say No to Drug Dealers (Pharma).

8. Read, learn, grow, then TAKE ACTION.

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Hm. These predictions are not depressing enough. ;)

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Thanks for the great content. I've seen quite a few energy bloggers suggest that the 4IR is going to fail due to hitting energy limits and "things hidden in complexity." The solution that makes the most sense to me is to encourage food security and mutual aid, form land trusts and re-localize. What kind of skills, tools and relationships can we foster right now that will be useful in building a community to resist these top down threats?

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