Let’s hope WE THE PEOPLE can effectively organize against humanities aggressors (BigTech, BigMedia, BigGov, BigEDU, BigPharma, BigBiz).

1. Vote RED, it’s a reprieve, not a solution.

2. Cancel WOKE business subscriptions.

3. Support EFFECTIVE people and ORGs.

4. Get EDUCATED against the Propaganda.

5. Stop FUNDING our enemies.

6. Renew your Mind, Body, and Spirit.

7. Just Say No to Drug Dealers (Pharma).

8. Read, learn, grow, then TAKE ACTION.

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Agreed. They are showing you what they do not want you to do. That is, they promote weakness, lack of discipline, victim-culture, anything to let you off the hook and blame some external enemy as the cause of your problem. Then they become your solution and alpha male savior, and 'save' you with their solutions that make you weaker and more state-dependent.

My daughter is 14 this year. I am almost glad this is being done so blatantly right now. I have time to strengthen her mind. "Iron sharpen Iron".

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Hm. These predictions are not depressing enough. ;)

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I'm doing a short one on All Cause Mortality soon, which I promise will at least have a Friday Funny in it.

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Thanks for the great content. I've seen quite a few energy bloggers suggest that the 4IR is going to fail due to hitting energy limits and "things hidden in complexity." The solution that makes the most sense to me is to encourage food security and mutual aid, form land trusts and re-localize. What kind of skills, tools and relationships can we foster right now that will be useful in building a community to resist these top down threats?

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Thanks for the reply, Replenish.

I am of course cynical about any narrative that supports energy scarcity, since they control all those levers. I believe they won't succeed entirely with the 4IR plan, but try to overshoot their goal then settle for what they do achieve. The two steps forward one back.

I am watching James Corbett for his 'Solutions Watch' updates as to the tools to guard against their plan. As others have commented, there are no quick fixes. Regardless your beliefs, strengthening yourself is paramount, mind, body, spirit. And if your children see this then all the better.

Skills I see are gardening, carpentry, anything working with your hands. Again the opposite of what is promoted. 'Everyone should learn to code' ???? That cannot put a roof over your family's head.

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I found this very enlightening but DEEPLY disturbing & depressing. Are there enough of us to fight back?? The diabolical “plan” seems so far advanced & w/ majority compliance that will only escalate as they continue to apply the screws-rewards scenario until people are utterly exhausted & demoralized.

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Only hope from my perspective is that man is flawed & is often times incredibly stupid & hubristic. Nemesis, please come now!

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I assume they will try to get as much done as they can so long as people go along. I read from Iain Davis that even China got to about 80 or 85% coverage of its people in the techno system. Mainly big cities. I also don't know the full extent of the jab by subscription frequency. Living as much in the old normal is key, especially to show our kids what being human is.

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I doubt they will get 100% of all aspects.

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